B|Sides Edmonton
Capture the Flag (CTF) events are not only entertaining, but professionals also use them to enhance their soft and technical skills.
This year we have two CTFs!
We look forward to having both new and experienced players participate.
Come participate individually or as a team.
You can stop by the CTF area we have setup in the atrium (where the sponsor tables and seating area is) to find team mates, or get some help and motivation!
Many thanks to our CTF Sponsors!
Security Innovation
NCL powered by Cyber Skyline
The mission of the NCL is to prepare the next generation of cybersecurity professionals by providing high school and college students, as well as their coaches, an online, safe platform of real-world cybersecurity challenges. We build pathways for students that lead to successful career placements in the cybersecurity field.
CTF Prize Sponsors
1st Place: Up to (4) TCM 6-month passes based on team size & Tickets to BSides Edmonton 2025 & giftcard
2nd Place: Up to (4) TCM 3-month passes based on team size & giftcard
3rd Place: Up to (4) TCM 1-month passes based on team size & giftcard​
Security Innovation
1st Place: giftcard & Tickets to BSides Edmonton 2025
2nd Place: giftcard
3rd Place: giftcard
CTF start: Monday, Sept 23 at 7:00 am MST
CTF end: Tuesday, Sept 24 3:30 MST
Since the CTFs run all night you won't need to miss any of the talks or workshops if you do not want to (we are also recording the talks in case you get wrapped up in the CTF).
NAIT Wifi: TBA-----------
[Register and Enter the Shadow Bank CTF]
CTF Password: TBA
[Register and Enter the NCL CTF]
CTF Password: TBA
CTF Platforms:
- Shadow Bank from Security Innovation
You will need to click the "enter" link above to register for and participate in the events.